
knowing me, knowing you

This is me (or if we're being very technical, my shoe-encased feet).

At this moment I'm supposed to be working on my 5-page French paper due tomorrow morning at 8. Instead I'm listening to ABBA and de-cluttering my Reader. I have a real problem with procrastination.

I'm sitting under a vent, which means I'm insanely cold (even with my pea coat on). But I'm too lazy to switch spots. Besides, I'm fairly convinced that my spot is the only remaining one close enough to an electrical outlet. And I need that outlet.

I like the student learning center (which is where I am presently). It makes me feel productive... even now, when I'm not actually being productive. Maybe it's all the other students around me looking very hard at work and being eerily quiet. Regardless, I'm always insulated to my slackness in this place. Maybe that's not such a good thing...

Pictures of myself mildly freak me out, so there are very, very few of them in existence (there is, however, an overabundance of photos starring my feet). Also, recordings of myself unnerve me to no end, which is really funny because I'm constantly (read: every once in a long while) doing voice-overs for friends' film projects.

So yeah, this is me (in case you wondered).

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