
where's morton?

I've been meaning to blog about last saturday all week, but school's been relentless lately. Still, better late than never, right?! Anyway, Bennie, Sarah, and I made plans to hang out last saturday and bake cupcakes while watching Night of the Living Dead (we're obsessed with zombie flicks; heck! it's how we all became friends in the first place -- bonding over Walking Dead while at work). We bought a bottle of bubbly and some plastic martini glasses (tipsy at 3 pm -- real classy), and went to work on those cupcakes. In the middle of mixing up the batter we realized we didn't have any salt. And that's when the search for Morton begun.

We went around Bennie's cul de sac looking for salt. It was very funny, actually. 'Cause pretty much everyone Bennie and Sarah knew in the neighborhood either didn't have salt (who ever heard of such a thing?!) or wasn't at home.

We finally moseyed on over to the house of Bennie's roommate from freshman year. She wasn't there, but her friend was, and thankfully she had some sea salt that she didn't mind loaning to us.

Here's Sarah and Bennie looking mighty pleased for having finally located Morton.

The cupcakes fresh out of the oven. Once they were frosted (with cream cheese), I was too busy eating to remember to photograph them.

Bennie and Sarah enjoying the cupcakes, which were delicious by the way. I have a gift for such things (I'm also very modest).

We stopped eating long enough to bring back Morton and a gratitude cupcake for Bennie's old roommate's friend.

Then returned to our zombie movie viewing (isn't Duane Jones about the manliest man ever!).

Night of the Living Dead is hysterical...

... and awful? horrifying? silly? all of these things? I don't know. It's something, though.

We didn't even finish watching the movie, because we were all so hungry and the champagne high had significantly worn off. I coaxed Bennie and Sarah into having dinner at Big City Bread, 'cause there's this really cute waiter there who I really wanted to see again, plus they have really good soups. But we had to duck out within minutes of being seated, because their dinner menu was a bit too pricey for our poor-college-student pockets. It was super embarrassing. 
We ended up at Trappeze instead, and although it wasn't nearly as great, it was definitely more affordable. Thriftiness is the move, y'all!

We went for some chai latte after dinner (well, I got chai; the others got other things), and decided on impulse to have a party. It was such a blast (that's an understatement)! And I was out of film so I couldn't document it via photographs. But take my word for it -- we know how to throw down! Very classy and respectful-like too.

pentax k1000 // fujifilm superia x-tra


  1. I love the choice of words you use. They're clever and unique. And I love the way you tell stories through the photographs you take with that amazing camera of yours. Great stuff Karen!

    1. That makes me so happy! You make me so happy! I can't wait to see you this weekend!!! :-)
