

Well, would you look at that?! I said I'd be back today to post my very first self-made video (ever!) and here I am. I love when I surprise myself!

So a little bit about this video: my midterm project for my web class required taking something I'd originally written and intended for the medium of print, and re-imagine it using some other medium such as audio, visual, or (in my case) both. I chose to work with an old prose poem I'd written many years ago, turning it into an audio-visual experience. This here is the end product. As to the content, it's pretty self-explanatory. Plus I really don't want to give anything away, so just enjoy it (and if you don't, I'd rather not hear about it -- "I fear my will may not be firm enough yet for that").

The music is by Ólafur Arnalds and it is called Raein (you can hear it here without the added distraction of my voice).


  1. That was beautiful! I love how the rhythm of the poem and the camera movements go so well with the music. And the ending was perfect. I bet you'll get a really good grade for this!

    1. Awww thank you so much!! I'm always super conscious about letting others see the things I make, so your affirmation means the world to me!!!
