
athens indie craftstravaganza!

Between studying for finals, putting together portfolios for my web and painting classes, writing papers, working, and worrying about all the things I'm juggling, it's no wonder I haven't used my Pentax in what seems like years. But I brought it out of retirement this morning for the Athens Indie Craftstravaganza Spring Market. It was so great! I had the hardest time holding on to my nonexistent money (being broke seriously sucks). I did, however, collect some business cards for when I come into some money later (my ingenuity astounds me too, haha!).

P.S. Check out Jesse's online shop. I met her briefly at the market, but I can say this with all confidence: she's lovely and her handmade pouches are just as lovely too.

pentax k1000 // fujifilm superia x-tra


  1. That sounds lovely! Well, expect for the not being able to buy anything there. And thanks for the tip, her shop and blog look absolutely delicious!


  2. Thank you so much for all the kind words, Karen. I loved meeting and talking to you on Saturday! And I'm really really enjoying looking back through all your photography here on your blog. Your candid shots of your friends are really beautiful. I definitely just followed you on tumblr and pinterest. Can't wait to see more of your photography.
