
easter sunday shenanigans

Caution: the post you are about to view is heavily riddled with photos. Proceed accordingly.

riding in pink cars. death by shadow play. Wham!. imaginary convos via decommissioned pay phones. trolling downtown Athens. stealing photos of street crooners. yummy Five Guys burgers. brilliant sunsets. taking photos for strangers. taking photos of cute strangers (the operative word being "cute"). not-so-secret secret gardens. studies in floral arrangement 101. awkward poses by fountains. more trolling: library edition. lessons in lens focusing. obligatory reflection photos. all in a day's work.


  1. looks like you and that lovely girl certainly know how to have a good time!

    love you.

    1. We sure do! And she is quite lovely, isn't she! LOL. Love you most!
