
that's what's up

Wanna know what I was up to last night? Probably not, but I'll tell you anyway - I saw Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros in concert, and it was EPIC! They're so good live that even now, just thinking about it makes me excitedly giddy all over again. It was so worth the stressful hour and a half drive down to Atlanta (which really was a 2-hour drive thanks to the thunderstorm that kept us company the whole way there). We missed the opening band, but who cares -- the main act more than made up for that loss. Now I can't wait for their new album, which is coming out may 29th (I checked). All the songs they performed off of it were amazing (and all the adjectives I'm using sound so trite, but I don't have words to articulate the awesomeness that is an Edward Sharpe concert).

Oh, and that's my friend Stephen. He's such an awesome, reliable concert buddy.

Now Playing: That's What's Up by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros

pentax k1000 // kodak ultra max


  1. Looks like an awesome concert! I haven't much listened to them (besides "Home") but maybe i'll check out the new album!
