
i'm a news writer nowadays!

I've been away for so long. Gah!... Consistency has never been a strong suit of mine, but I'm working on it.
Anyway, I write for my school newspaper now (yay!), and I surprise myself daily with how much I love it and how good I am at it (hardly modest, but I don't much feel like sublimating my spirit right now). This was the first article I wrote for the Red & Black. It made the front page and the positive feedback was so massive it was almost embarrassing. I'm so pleased!

You best believe I have a clipping of it stored in my journal for posterity.


  1. Front page, wow, congrats! Yes, you should definitely keep a clipping!


  2. Woohoo you didn't tell me you were a famous journalist too! That paper is legit! Congrats! And always attach something in your journal for good measure :)

  3. Awwwww, you guys are too much. :-D
