
happy new year!

I'm still a little bewildered by how fast 2011 came and went. On the one hand, so much occurred this year, but (to be honest) I was a bit numb to most of it that it feels as if not much happened at all. Still -- for the parts that I was sensitive to -- it was a nice, solid year. Taught me much about myself -- about my character; what I'm capable of, and consequently not capable of; where I want to go, and what I want to be up to... It was a good year for self-actualizing. And I hope to do some more of that next year too.

A few of my resolutions (because keeping them to myself is a sure guarantee that I won't get any of them done):
  1. Make my relationship with God my number one priority. I hope that before this new year ends I'm able to actively share my faith in a sensible, reasonable, logical way with someone else. And the only way I can accomplish this is by growing in my relationship with Him.
  2. Be a bit more frugal; it's exhausting stressing about money constantly, because I pretty much squander it (albeit on two very enriching things: books and music) when I have it -- tsk tsk.
  3. Procrastinate a little less each day. Seriously, my brand of procrastination is completely out of hand and just awful. It's got to a point where unless I'm being constrained by a really near deadline every time, the job will not get done.
  4. Take delicate care of myself -- that means working out consistently. I also plan on participating in some kind of charity run before the year is over.
  5. Lastly, foster my creativity. This involves completing at least one knitted project each month (because with the exception of the hat I knitted for my brother for Christmas, I have yet to complete any of the 99 -- slight exaggeration -- projects I have begun since taking up knitting about a year ago); enhancing my painting skills; and finally, finally learning to play the guitar.
Happy New Year, everyone!! I wish you every warm wish, and pray that you're infinitely blessed this year. And thanks so much for reading.

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