
goodreads 2012

My love affair with reading is no secret to those who know me in real life. I've been reading coherently since I was about 3 (granted, at that time my reading was very rudimentary, but whatever), and even now I'd rather be reading in my down time than doing any number of other potentially just as delicious and rewarding things. That's the truth.

Anyway, I'm doing the Goodreads reading challenge again this year. And I thought it'd be fun to record my progress here, and share reviews on the books I read as well (you will find my challenge badge on the right sidebar). The goal is to read 50 books; last year, I only managed 22 because I got preoccupied with a lot of other things that were happening around me and within me. This year I'm going to tear through those 50 books like it's nobody's business (read that in a really deep mental voice). That's the truth.

In other news, I received my new film camera this week (yay!). I'm taking it out for a test spin tomorrow, but so far everything looks good. I also got on the tumblr bandwagon (shaking my head 'cause I told myself I wouldn't; this blog is already a shaky commitment -- still, tumblr is fun!). Visit me there as well, if you get a chance. I know I'd like that very much, and you might too (who's to say?).

Now Playing: Pretty Face by Sóley.

*photo is a screenshot of my 2012 reading challenge badge taken from my Goodreads homepage.

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