

I developed a roll of film this afternoon that turned out to be mostly useless. But I was strangely fascinated by this one photo. It's completely off the mark in the lighting department (the pub we were in was very dimly lit, and my trusty Pentax just doesn't do all that well in extreme low light settings), but it has a certain... "je-ne-sais-quoi" quality to it. Maybe it's just me, but I think it's lovely (can you say that about your own photos?). And if you pull back far enough from your computer screen, you should be able to see it too. Ideally.

P.S. You're gorgeous, Tanja!

Now Playing: Just One by Blind Pilot 
(You guys, I get to see them in concert in about 3 weeks! I'm beyond stoked! Blind Pilot is one of my favorite bands. Ever.)

pentax k1000 // fujifilm superia x-tra


  1. Yes, you can, and you should! This is a wonderful picture and it definitely has something special!

    I got a Pentax a little while back. Somehow haven't gotten round to developing the film yet, can't wait to see the results though:)

  2. I've been wanting to thank you for leaving such a sweet message on my blog too. And yes, I think we are! ;)

    Look forward to your next post!
