

Literally, I've been celebrating my birthday for the past 3 weeks! My actual birthday was on March 10, but the weekend before, my out-of-town friends surprised me with a sweet birthday celebration. I took pictures from that night, but the only decent shot is the one above (sorry, guys -- the pains of shooting film). 
I spent my actual birthday at home with my family. My dad cooked (I love it when my dad cooks; he has a rare talent for it). We rented a bunch of movies, and stayed put on the couch watching them. Overall, an unusually sedentary birthday, but a lovely one nonetheless. (Psst: Super 8 is an engrossing watch; I recommend it).
The week following my birthday was Spring Break, which I spent in Athens because I'm newly a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for children in foster care, and part of my training requires me to sit in on 10 hours of juvenile court proceedings. 
This past week, though, I celebrated with my in-town friends. We made plans to get together and watch the finale of Walking Dead (zombie flicks are second only to my obsession with bearded and mustachioed men -- chai lattes are a close third). We had pasta for dinner. And as is our MO, (surprise) cupcakes and wine put in an appearance as well. 22 is shaping up to be a good year!

Now Playing: Get It Daddy by Sleeper Agent

pentax k1000 // fujifilm superia x-tra

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