
what i'm reading: a feast for crows

A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire #4)A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book took me forever to read, my goodness. I just wasn't as invested in these characters as I've been with the regulars (Bran, Jon, Dany, Tyrion, et al.). But towards the end it starts to redeem itself. What I'm about to say next is probably going to make me sound petty and vindictive. But truthfully, I don't much care because I gained such immense pleasure from observing the beginnings of Cersei's downfall that there's absolutely no way I'm not owning up to it. I suppose this is where I go into how lyrical the narrative is, and the author's artful use of literary devices, etc. (it's all of these things if you're concerned with such). But I'd rather gloat: you're done Cersei! you hear that -- DONE!!

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