
drop-stitch scarf

Remember when I talked about fostering my creativity some more at the beginning of this year...? Yeah, me neither. In any case, I've been doing just that quite a lot recently, and I began with this scarf. It is so easy to make -- in fact, I've done four of them since spying one on a friends neck last winter and hounding her to give me the pattern, which she eventually gave me not so long ago. It takes all of about 4 hours to complete and looks positively luscious; the pictures don't do it justice, but you have to trust me on just how scrumptious it looks once completed. I seem to have misplaced the pattern, so I can't really link to it on here, but if you're really curious let me know, and I'll be motivated to find it.
Oh, and I haven't blocked the scarf here in these photos, but I will soon, which should make it look less sorry and assume more of its inherent yumminess.


  1. Karen, you're funny, I like to use delicious as an adjective not describing food too (especially for naps). That scarf DOES look delicious! I'm jealous that you can make anything with fabric...my skills are extremely limited. And do I see a postcard wall that I may have made it up on??

    1. I was just on your blog to tell you how unfortunate my wall has been feeling with each passing day that your postcard remains missing from the stack of mail I bring in. No amount of petting and stroking appeases it. The situation is very dire indeed.

    2. Hahaha Karen, you are great!!! I cannot believe it hasn't made it to you yet! If you don't get it like, this week, I am mailing you another. The USPS is a travesty. Just keep me updated.

    3. Ok Karen, when you get a chance, drop me a line and let me know if you still don't have it. Because I am totally sending you another! I sent pictures to relatives in Finland and they all got theirs! So I am very perplexed. Nonetheless, another is coming your way!

  2. so lovely! I've tried to make one but have zero patience with it!

    1. Hahaha, that was me too for awhile. Super impatient 'cause I would have these giant, unexplainable holes in my knitted pieces. But once you get past that and you find your rhythm, it is so satisfying and gratifying. You should give it one last chance. Also, I feel like I just got a nod from a celebrity or something, haha. I've admired you and your blog for so long that it feels a bit surreal that you're here commenting on my lowly one. :-)
