
what i'm reading: anne of green gables

Anne of Green Gables (Anne of Green Gables, #1)Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The first in the series will forever be my favorite. It characterizes my childhood not because I grew up in the same way or fancy myself to be just like Anne, but because of all the times I spent re-reading this series in all of my favorite crannies and dreamscapes. This is probably the 4th or 5th time I've re-read this book. It's different every time (I know that's a really trite thing to say, but it's the truth). And I suspect this is so because there is just so much scope for imagination in this book.


  1. Karen! How are you girl?! I must confess I've never read it (will you be mad if I say I have watched the movie/shows?) but you make it sound so whimsical and lovely, I will certainly look into it. Just have to get my hands on a Nashville library card/copy. And hey, if you do not have your postcard yet, TELL ME and a new one will be on the way!

    perfectly priya

  2. Girl, you MUST! It is such a good read. And I'll even forgive you for watching the movies first. Megan Follows was bomb in them... although, after the second one, I was just like "Whaa...?!" Haha!

    1. Glad we can still be friends after my movie-before-book fiasco (I usually unfriend people after that). Also, I have a special award for you because you're just so great: the Liebster award! Check out my blog for the details, I would love to learn more about THE Karen Ashley :)

      perfectly priya
