
oh, hi there!

I was in a photo shoot yesterday where -- for the first time in a long time -- I was not the photographer. It wasn't nearly as nerve-wracking as I had anticipated. Truth be told I kinda enjoyed being in front of the camera for a change. Kensie (the photographer) covered me in Holi red for the shoot. I wiped most of it off after, but I left just enough to cause a bit of a sensation on my drive home. It was fun!

Wanna know what's not as fun though? Flickr. Can you believe a week after I bought a pro account for near $25 I can no longer access my photos? What's more, the Flickr team has done nothing to help with this problem despite many emails I've sent their way! Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. I'm very upset.


  1. Holi! The Indian festival! What a fun shoot idea, you look lovely in red.

    People not responding to emails ESPECIALLY when they are at fault is the worst! That's frustrating. Nice to read whenever you get around to posting on here Karen :) hope you're doing great, whatever you're up to!

    perfectly priya

    1. Priya! I always look forward to your comments. They brighten my day!
