
par avion: simone + priya

Exciting things you guys -- I've been getting some mail lately that I didn't send myself. Okay, that made me sound a little pitiful. What I meant is that most of the mail I get is useless (boat insurance ads), or boring (bills), or standard (magazine subscriptions). The only time I get excited for mail is when  I've ordered something online. But recently fantastic things have been turning up in my mailbox, namely postcards from friends, and I'm just so thrilled by them.
Two of them are from my fabulous, globetrotting friend Simone. The other one is from Priya, who is seriously the sweetest.
 Priya's card (Priya, if you're reading this, you should know how happy I was to finally get this in the mail. It's very possible I squealed when I spotted it among the other stuff in my box).
This one was sent by Simone while she was sashaying her way across China. That's the Great Wall looking all golden and -- ugh! why am I here and not there. :-(
This too is from Simone. She was in South Africa this time, self-actualizing on the daily. I wish I could link you to her blog. But alas! it is set to private. I'll work on her to make it public, because she's seriously awesome, and the tales she tells of her travels are so captivating. I want to be her when I grow up. You hear that Simone?! You're awesome-sauce and I love you!
I've added all three to my burgeoning wall of mementos. I'm so about them, y'all!


  1. Karen! You're the best. I'm so glad my postcard finally made its' way to you and also that you love it (and it made it up on your wall!). Postcards/mail from friends I'd absolutely the best! It makes my day. I made some cards for Christmas gifts and I will work on sending one your way :) hope you're doing great today!

    P.S. def also jealous of your friend Simone's travels I'm ready to go to China!

    perfectly priya

    1. Riiighttt! She's living a fairytale while the rest of us are drudging it out here. Sigh.

      Yay!! More fabulous mail to look forward to. Please please please send me your mailing address so I can send you something as well. In fact, soon as I'm done with this, I'm gonna send you an email asking for just that.

      I knit a mean, cozy winter scarf (even though our southern winter isn't much of a winter at all) and I would love to send you one.

  2. Yay! I'm glad you liked them!! :)

    WHATTTT??? I did not know my blog was private!!! Haha I'll check that...
    Priya my blog is simonesayshello.blogspot.com ! I hope the link works. China is such a beautiful place! I highly recommend Beijing!!

    Miss and love you, Karen!
