
teascapades: no. 1

So I drink quite a lot of tea. Like a whole lot. I especially like chai. A whole lot. And I was at a coffee shop recently with Bennie (pictured above; I really should just label this post "gratuitous photos of Bennie") when a brilliant thought occurred to me: what if I went to every coffee spot in Athens specifically to try their chai tea and to document my experience -- I could call the whole venture "Teascapades" (very inspired, I know), and it would be a right proper homage to my obsession with chai. I'm so full of surprises!
Anyway, I thought it would be fitting to start the series with the place that gave birth to and fostered my chai fixation -- Two Story Coffeehouse. I wasn't truly living until I tried the chai latte at Two Story (no joke you guys; I'm deadpan right now). It's so good -- no, it's divine! I don't know what they put in there, but oh-my-goodness it's so good! If you're ever in Athens, Georgia, do yourself a favor and get a chai latte from Two Story. Thank me later.

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